Saturday, July 31, 2010

Final final colors.

I just can't let good advice sit around and get old and moldy so I took Elliot's advice to heart and put some love on the coloring. Now, if only I could convince Kayla to substitute the current Daredevils with this one...


Shobo said...

Well, you've been pretty busy I see. I like these new "final, final colors", much punchier, and if I might be so bold, daring.

By the way, saw your work on Dragon mPhehmm, and it brought back a flood of memories. I like what I'm seeing, and the Dragons are looking great. Let's see more.

Toyebot said...

Caught this thru project rooftop. Awesome! Very interesting look!

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Thanks, Shobo! I have been busy and man, it feels good. You still coming to MCA in the fall?? And I just might use Dragon mPhehmm and give you some royalties.

Toyebot, thanks for popping in! Come back any time!

Shobo said...

Shane, no royalties required, just a first born son named after me and we'll call it even.

MCA in the fall? No, that won't be happening. I'm still hoping for spring next year, but getting a visa is proving incredibly difficult.