Well, she's done. She's late, but she's done. I really had a lot of fun with Storm and there are a few other drawings of her that I'd be interested in inking and coloring as well. Maybe I'll revist them someday when there's more than 24 hours in a day.
The reflected light sources are ok, but I would have liked to have spent more time on them. If I do that, though, I'll just keep skipping the gym and before you know it I'll weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. "Boy, that fat guy sure draws well!" No thanks.
I got sidelined with some headache/neck ache isssues on this one and had to just stop for a while and then pace myself. I'll spare you the medical diagnosis, but I will say that it is not, in fact, a tumor and I'm going to live.
I have to admit I didn't know much about storm outside of the rare bits I'd picked up from the year I collected X-Men comics during Joe Madureira's run and whatever else I scraped together for the movies. It was fun to do a little research and learn of her African Priestess origins and the time she spent in Cairo. I tried to throw little bits of that into her costume. Good times.
And now it's time to rest for a while. :)