Sunday, September 05, 2010

Storm on the horizon

I'm feverishly working to finish my Storm today, but I thought I'd post a little preview sketch. I'll not say which pose or look I chose so there's at least a little surprise...assuming, of course, that you care. :)


Shobo said...

There are some cool poses up in hurr. I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. I've never cared much for Storm as a character, but I like the ideas you're tossing around so far.

André said...

Is this for Project Rooftop or are you working for Marvel?

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Thanks, Shobo! I've had a lot of fun with this one. I didn't know much about her before this project other than her ability to control the weather. It goes a lot deeper than that and it's pretty good stuff.

Andre', I am sorry, but I have no idea how to type the accent mark over the e. No, I'm not working for Marvel, but you asking that is a pretty awesome compliment. Many thanks and gold stars for you, sir. Actually, this is my late entry for the Storm redesigns over at Superhero Cocoa.

Stewbacca said...

Kid Storm rocks.