Monday, May 30, 2011

I forgot about this one

A while back there was a sports section story about the fabled Tennessee Panther.  Supposedly, there ARE NO panthers in Tennessee, but that doesn't stop hunters, hikers, campers, bikers, fishermen, and whoever else does stuff outdoors from "spotting" them.  So I came up with this idea of a "Panther" obscured by the trees and the shadows.  Nothing groundbreaking, really, but it doesn't look much like my usual illustrations so I like it.  Sadly, this one ran in black and white and not color.  Oh well.


pamela said...

I remember it cause it looks so different from the rest of your stuff.

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Thanks, Pamela...I think. Is that a good different or a bad different?

Shobo said...

I was just going to say, I really dig this. It looks pretty different. Which isn't to say I don't like your regular stuff. You know what I mean.

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Thanks, Shobo! It's nice to do something different every now and then. It's harder to gauge when it's "finished", however, because it's so far removed from my usual process of penciling, inking and then coloring.